The WAQ begins today! It’s extra special this year because De Marque is hosting a beautiful rest and relaxation area… with a little comedy twist!

What is there to do at this rest and relaxation area? Well, I’m glad you asked:
Lounge in our coushiony chairs
Listen to a zen and relaxing (?) audiobook
Enjoy an iced tea offered by Monsieur T
Have a taste of Cantook microbrewed beer (but only after noon!)
Read up on how to work for De Marque

The audiobook was created by the De Marque team and while recording and post-production was handled by our friends at Studio Bulldog. Folks can either listen to the audiobook on location or download it to their phones (it’s in French, btw).
By creating a relaxed and welcoming space, with just a little dash of irrevence, we hope to show folks attending the WAQ that we’re pretty cool people and also that De Marque is a quality place to work.