The Digital Consumer Book Barometer started in 2018 and provides intelligence on sales and consumer trends. It examines ebook and audiobook segments in a number of relevant international markets outside of the well documented English-language territories.
As this year’s report was being put together, The big question was: “Is digital growth, as observed under the pandemic, here to stay?”
Two years on, the answer is clear and positive. This is the core learning from the new Digital Consumer Book Barometer 2022, a thorough analysis based on sales data across different markets, various digital formats like ebooks and audiobooks, with comparisons between diverse genre categories, from fiction and nonfiction to children and young adult reading, romance, fantasy, and also education.
De Marque is thrilled to support the Barometer once again this year by providing data from both Canada and Spain.
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The Digital Consumer Book Barometer provides detailed insights and analysis based on solid and exclusive market data in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, French speaking Canada, Brazil and Mexico. Get your copy of the Barometer 2022 delivered to your inbox today!
The Digital Consumer Book Barometer, started by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting in 2018. It is regularly updated and dwells on real sales data provided by leading international digital distributors and aggregators, notably De Marque, Libranda, edigita, Readbox and Bookwire.